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Diverse Learning Environments


The four developmental areas for infants include physcial, social and emotional, cognitive, and language skills. Teachers will help infants as they learn to crawl and walk, take turns and sharing, problem solving through play, and making sounds into words.



Toddlers continue the four developmental areas  of physcial, social and emotional, cognitive, and language skills. Teachers work to develop coordination, independence, imaginitive play, and converstion skills. 


Pre-schoolers begin to learn how to resolve conflict and recognize emotions in others as well as themselves. Reading and writing are developing, and intentional reflections on the world around students to further develop cognitive skills  


Our final year is a mad dash to kindergarten! Children increase their competency with letters, sounds, and some sight words. Children are counting, matching numbers to groups, and identifying shapes and sizes. Teachers continue to help children develop social and emotional skills and needed self-care skills as your little one makes the transition to kindergarten. 

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